Private investigations are carried out the detectives of Riga Detective Agency on territory of not only Latvia but also in any other state (within the framework of current legislation of the proper country).
To private investigations, to conducted detectives, it is possible to take the large enough list of types of the conducted work.
Mainly work is carried out to on:
1. to the search of disappearing without to conduct persons (regardless of term of remoteness);
2. lost contacts (including business-contacts, native people, near and persons with which it is necessary to associate on one or another reasons).
3. At the commission of crime in regard to concrete persons and at inaction of the law-enforcement system.
4. Collection of necessary information (within the framework of current legislation).
5. Decision of non-standard situations.
6. Grant of defence of persons (physical, legal) in the case of necessity is legal defence, at legislative level, - bodu guards.
Consideration and permission of various non-standard situations. |